Josh Beck

Managing Partner | MarksNelson Advisory, LLC

Josh Beck is the Managing Partner of MarksNelson, a Springline company, an accounting and business advisory firm based in Kansas City. Prior to assuming the role of Managing Partner in 2020, Josh Beck served as a Partner in MarksNelson’s advisory services area, a member of the firm’s Executive Committee, and leader of the Real Estate industry niche. He joined MarksNelson as leader of the Location Strategies practice after merging-in the St. Louis-based corporate site selection and economic development consulting firm he founded.

Additionally, he has experience holding leadership positions for economic development organizations at the local and state level, including membership with the  BDO Alliance USA Managing Partner Roundtable, the Rainmaker CEO Grow Community and is Chair-Elect of the Overland Park Chamber of Commerce in Kansas where the firm is based.

Josh graduated from the Harvard Business School Executive Leadership Program and is involved in his local community through the BEST Committee for Blue Valley Schools Executive Committee, the Greater Kansas City Area Chamber of Commerce and was a part of the Leadership Overland Park Class of 2019.

Josh Beck

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