As a commercial property owner, you don’t have to accept a high property tax bill. In Nebraska, you have a short window to file a protest with the county board of equalization.
All real property in Nebraska is reassessed every year. The Nebraska Constitution requires that real property be valued uniformly and proportionately. County assessors are responsible for determining the taxable value for every parcel of real property in their county.
All property subject to taxation must be valued as of January 1 each year. Between January 1 and March 19 of each year, the county assessor updates and revises the real property assessment roll. In counties with a population of at least 150,000, the county assessor must provide preliminary valuation change notices by January 15, conduct informal meetings with property owners, and complete the assessment roll by March 25.
On or before June 1 of each year, the county assessor will send notification to the owner of record, as of May 20, of every real property parcel that has been assessed at a different value than the previous year.
Property owners who do not agree with the county assessor’s opinion of actual value may file a protest with the county board of equalization between June 1 and June 30 of each year. Protests must be in writing, signed, and filed with the county clerk on or before June 30.
Need help? Our professionals have a deep understanding of the process and steps that lead to a successful appeal. Schedule a free consultation with MarksNelson today.